Archived Courses
The Vajra Body
(One year online course)
An online course on the Vajra body, its subtle physiology and its five components
- tsa / channels
- rlung / Wind
- dröd / temperature
- thikle / essence drops
- nampar shepa / consciousness/mind
Through explanations and guided visualizations, meditations, and lung exercises, Dr. Pasang Yonten Arya led students to a deeper understanding of the relationship between the physical body, the subtle body, and the emotions, as well as of the causal nature of the body-mind and health.
“Vajra body” is a term used in Buddhist Vajrayana tantra teachings and applied in two ways. First, it is the transformation of the ordinary foundational human body into the pure state of dorje-lue, “the indestructible vajra body.” Precisely speaking, the name refers to the Buddha’s enlightened body, which has exhausted the perishable body material components and has transmuted them into an indestructible state called Dharma kaya “the Vajra body,” the All-victorious one.
The second meaning refers to the practice of tantric practitioners who visualize and generate their body into the divine “development stage” body, also called Vajra body. In other words, it is a higher state of the body.
Teachings on the Vajra body are very rare as they are generally only given in the context of Buddhist training requiring commitments and a master-disciple relationship. The purpose of our teaching program is different. It is the study of the Tibetan medical and Tantric concepts on the physiological functions of the ordinary human’s gross and subtle energy bodies. As it is not a Buddhist training for spiritual transformation, it is not bounded by tantric spiritual commitments.
This course, open to all, is especially useful for Tibetan medicine and Tsalung healing students. It gives them the opportunity to study the ordinary human body and the subtle body at a deeper lever, as well as the lung (rlung)/wind flow, and the mind and emotional functions, according to the traditional concepts of Tibetan Medicine and Vajrayana tantra. It also explains how the body can become free of diseases by entering the state of Jalue, the rainbow body or vajra body, also called body of light.
This course took place in 2023-2024. It will not be offered again.
more information below
Course Content
Teachings, visualizations and meditations on the gross and subtle physical functions of the five Vajra body components:
- Tsa, the study of channels and chakras with their five sub-sections: channel, thikle, lung, and waste products.
- rlung/Wind, ten lung types, and 72 thousand lungs.
- drod/(temperature) metabolism in medicine and tummo fire in tantra.
- thikle/(essence drop- white and red) residing in the center of the crown chakra and four fingers below the navel. Known by the symbol of the moon and sun of the Vajra body.
- Nampar shepa, the consciousness. It is known by six and eight consciousness types and even more in different philosophical schools.
Each online session started with a breathing exercise and Medicine Buddha Practice.
This program was a study course of the human body-mind’s subtle nature. It was not a Buddhist practice training for spiritual transformation. The course was therefore not bounded by traditional spiritual commitments. Samaya and initiation were not required.
Teaching methods
This online course was given by Dr. Pasang Yonten Arya, in ten 2-hour live sessions on Zoom.
Examination and certification
There were no exam or certification for this course.
However, Tsalung students who wish to get a Tsalung healing practice Teacher certification had to follow this course, and will have an exam during the Tsalung certification.
Terms and Conditions
Terms & conditions
Vajra body online course
By completing the application forms or an online transaction, you are confirming that you accept the following terms and conditions:
TME – Tibetan Medicine Education center website, courses and e-mail
All parts of the websites, both public and teaching areas (, or zoom) including course content, documents, lessons, works, and correspondence, are the intellectual property of TME – Tibetan Medicine Education center and cannot be copied, duplicated, forwarded, or conveyed to anyone else, even in another language, without the original author’s permission. No attempt should be made to copy or distribute either images or other content in any way.
All online courses require users to have an active email account for course communication purposes.
Users need to advise TME of any changes to their personal contact details whilst completing their course.
Students enrolled with TME – Tibetan Medicine Education center are issued with an internet log in and secure password in order to access the direct teaching session. Students must not disclose this password to any third party.
TME – Tibetan Medicine Education center reserves the right to modify the content of the website on a regular basis in order to ensure that it is current and as relevant as possible.
It is strongly recommended that students protect their own computer system with appropriate anti-virus software. TME – Tibetan Medicine Education center cannot be held responsible for any virus transferred via email or otherwise, hacking and other types of computer misuse.
Payment is made at the time of registration. The registration becomes valid upon receipt of the payment.
Ability to participate
Participants take part in TME activities fully responsible of their behavior and must notify TME-Tibetan Medicine Education center of any relevant physical and/or psychological impairments before the course. If necessary, participants must consult a physician or psychotherapist. TME-Tibetan Medicine Education center reserves the right to exclude participants who do not fulfill the physical and/or psychological requirements from participating in a course.
In order to maintain an appropriate learning environment, students having an inappropriate, disruptive, or offensive behavior may be excluded from courses or workshops. In case of exclusion, any additional costs will be borne by the participants and the amount already paid will not be refunded.
The content of the course is not a substitute for professional care or treatment. If students have or suspect that they have a physical, psychological or medical problem they should consult their appropriate healthcare professional without delay. They should never disregard or delay seeking professional advice, or discontinue treatment due to information provided during the course, online forum or TME website. The course teacher, mentor and producers assume no responsibility or liability for their actions. Also the practices taught during the course are restricted to the participants of the course as they required instructions to be practiced.
A course may be repeated a maximum of two times. In case of repetition, there is a 50% reduction in the course fee.
Minimum number of participants
In the case where the minimum number of 15 students required to start the Vajra Body course has not been reached, TME shall inform the enrollee/participant at least 1 week before the date of the course, and students may have to wait for next dates.
The enrollee/participant shall not be entitled to make any claims for having been inconvenienced or for any other damage.
Prior to the start of the course: withdrawals from the course are accepted until one week before the course’s start without any charge aside from an administrative fee of CHF 60.-. Withdrawals must be communicated in writing. There will be no reimbursement for later cancellation.
In the unlikely event that TME has to cancel the course, the full pre-payment for the canceled parts of the course will be refunded. There will be no claim for other compensation.
There is no exam or certification for this course. However, for students of the Tsalung healing practice course wishing to get a Tsalung healing practice Teacher certification, this course is a requirement, and they will have an exam during the Tsalung certification workshop.
Applicable law, jurisdiction
Swiss law exclusively shall be applicable to the present contract. Neuchâtel, Switzerland is stipulated as the place of jurisdiction.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at