Tsalung Healing Practice
A Tsalung healing experience

Jaun, Switzerland Tsalung healing workshop, 23-29 August 2021
I had been waiting for a long time to participate in this new Tsalung healing practice workshop given by Dr. Pasang Y. Arya.
The trip and arrival of the whole group in the small town that hosted us went very well, as well as the introduction to the workshop taking place in a now familiar environment, surrounded by a warm and serene energy.
Nevertheless, from the second day of class, I felt a particular discomfort linked to digestion, which then resulted in an annoying and tiring headache.
The first day I tried to wait and see if it would go away on its own, after a small fast. But this was not the case, so I had to give in to an aspirin which generally quickly relieves me of pain and any stress / digestive difficulties.Unfortunately, for the second morning in a row, I woke up very tired and above all with a fluctuating pain between my temples and neck.
It had been a long time since I felt so bad and so I had to resort to a second tablet. Certain of the success it would have, I went calmly to rest but alas the next day waking up was traumatic again.
I still got up to attend classes; my desire to follow was strong despite everything! But I remember looking forward to the break so that I could lie down on my bed again.
Against all odds, in the late morning, I had no choice but to apologize to the doctor, and retire to my room due to illness; it had become an obstacle to learning, especially that subtle part of teaching that involves attention, sensitivity and concentration.
I collapsed for a few hours, and yet in those moments of despair and helplessness lying on the bed, I was able to have vivid and extremely precise dreams, premonitory of what would happen in the following hours.
After yet another banquet of the group that I had to avoid in order to stay light, the lesson resumed and I decided to try again to follow it, building up strength despite the difficulties in managing the annoyance of pain and the tension and anger from not being able to follow the lessons as I wanted.
At the first break, the doctor approached me. He had seen me in pain for days, and asked me how I was. I told him that strangely the pain and fatigue were still present despite the medications and fasting. He asked me then to lie down on the mat. I could hear him ask for a pair of scissors and I figured he wanted to do some moxa. One of the students quickly brought the scissors, and a few moments later when the doctor approached me – without doing anything, I began to breathe in a different way, like when you take the stairs fast. Then, after he placed his hands on my head, I felt my heart speed up a great deal, followed by the ever wider and deeper breathing. I was not extremely happy with what was happening because the pain in my head was gradually increasing as the pressure got stronger.
At one point I heard the doctor cut something in my cervical area.
Three neat cuts
I was just trying to imagine what he was doing when I had the feeling he had cut three strings as tight as those of a violin. I felt my head freed from the grip of my abdomen. My breathing became stronger and stronger, as did my heartbeat. I tried to cling to the floor for support, have a hold, even though I was already lying down. Emotions that I could not understand began to arise all of a sudden. I felt “liberated,” I felt like crying, and I immediately felt the total absence of pain.
All this happened in a few seconds, I think. After that experience, I remember entering a state of relaxation that led me to a phase of semi-sleep, despite the fact that my abdomen, chest and heart were experiencing a freedom of movement charged with adrenaline, but devoid of any tension.
A few minutes later (I don’t know exactly how much to tell the truth) I fully awakened; I had cried and probably vented, but I felt good, really good.
I paid attention to my head; the pain was completely gone. I avoided asking myself too many questions I knew I wouldn’t be able to answer.
When I felt the need, I got up and saw I was alone. All the students had let me experience this moment with attentive and conscious privacy from one side of the room.
The first to meet me was the doctor who, with serene and luminous eyes, asked me how I was. I was still quite shaken by the storm of emotions that I had experienced so I limited the words to: “well, thank you.” I looked at him straight in the eyes waiting for an explanation, but a few moments later he continued, saying “you have suffered enough, I have cut your pain channels.”
I didn’t know what to answer him because I wasn’t completely emotionally stable but I remember thanking him so much.
As the minutes passed I realized that I no longer had any physical discomfort and the feeling was that of having experienced a sort of miracle.
Little by little my companions also came to me. They looked at me with peculiar eyes and agreed in telling me that I had completely changed light and expression. I was still visibly shocked, but I wanted to look at them all and tell them that I was perfectly fine.
A few hours later the situation had stabilized, but looking in the mirror I actually caught a different light, especially in my eyes …
The following afternoon, Dr Pasang decided to diagnose my energy body using the Tsalung healing method. With great surprise I was able to see with extreme clarity the energetic causes of the disturbance that I had experienced. In particular, he observed a bad circulation in the head area, as well as many other extremely precise details that have since served me as food for thought and analysis to heal the physical body, and avoid possible relapses.
This experience that I am pleased to share and that will remain with me forever has taught me how the development of concentration, methodical and continuous Medicine Buddha practice, Tsalung healing yoga practice, strong prayer and trust in the superior worlds, can allow to realize these real miracles. It would be nice to deepen the understanding of what those cuts represented, but it is good that some secrets remain in the Deep and Bright world of Tibetan Medicine, in the folds of the precious lessons of Tsalung Healing practice.
My thanks to you, Dr. Pasang!
Roberto Guerra
TM and Tsalung healing student